Monday, April 16, 2007

Sugar Daddy

So, Sugar Daddy has been out for awhile now and I’ve just now gotten to it. Several people at work raved about it and having similar reading tastes I reserved it from the library and it finally came in. I’d never read anything by Kleypas and wasn’t sure what to expect. But I loved, loved, loved this book.

Sugar Daddy, unlike many other romance novels which often times dives headlong into the romance, begins when the heroine, Liberty Jones, is just a teen. Kleypas spends a significant amount of time building Liberty’s past, both with Hardy and as an individual. We then follow Liberty in her struggles to make something of herself, in-spite of innumerable obstacles.

Sugar Daddy, starts with Liberty’s love for Hardy. So, natrually I was waiting for his return. Then, just when you know she’sfinally getting over him, BAM! He’s back, just like I knew he would.

One aspect I really liked about Sugar Daddy was the time Kleypas took to develop character relationships. There’s nothing that rings false and insincere like a romance novel that feels rushed or forced. I’ve read my fair share of such romances, where character development takes a backseat in an attempt to get to the ”good parts.” But Sugar Daddy is a good combo of character development, “good parts” and a downright good old fashioned love story.

Grade: A+


~ames~ said...

I loved this book too. :P

So do you agree with who she picks in the end?

Mollie said...

You know, I do agree. I think the decisions he made near the end make him impossible to love!!! :)

~ames~ said...


And I like how quickly she made her decision about what guy to go with. It wasn't dragged out for chapters and chapters. LOL

Mollie said...

YES, it wasn't tedious thank god. And Liberty had enough smarts not to dilly-dally around and waste time trying to defend/rationalize the dude who did her wrong. Whew, trying to be crypitic and not reveal anything is tough..:)!